
Oslo’s Climate Budget 2023

In 2030, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Oslo shall be reduced by 95% compared with 2009. The City of Oslo uses the climate budget as a governance tool in order to focus its climate work.


The Climate Budget presents reduction targets and mitigation measures which are being implemented in Oslo to reduce emissions within the municipality, and describes important initiatives in order to achieve the emission reduction targets set out in the Climate Strategy (proposition 109/20). Responsibility for implementing mitigation measures is delegated to the relevant municipal entities and requires them to report on their mitigation measures in a similar manner to how they report on their finances. The Climate Budget covers the entire 2023-2026 economic plan period.

Context: This appendix describes the establishment of the emission limits, use of the baseline trajectory, choice of methods and analysis for calculating climate effects and potential, and the need for further reductions in emissions in order to achieve the emission reduction targets for Oslo.


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Climate budget 2023